2021-03-09 15:45:00 Changes board/management/auditors, The Nomination Committee´s proposal for new Chairman of the Board of Addtech AB. 2021-02-04  


Should you invest in Addtech AB (publ.) (OM:ADDT B)? Reasonable growth potential with proven track record. Last updated 2021/04/18 17:52.

View today's stock price, news and analysis for Addtech AB Series B (ADDT.B). Barron's also provides information on historical stock ratings, target prices,  Addtech is a Swedish publicly listed technical solutions group. The business comprises about 140 independent companies that sell high-tech products and  Addtech Components markets and sells components and sub-systems in mechanics. The latest Addtech AB NPV B share price.

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Addtech Birger Jarlsgatan 43, Box 5112 SE-102 43 Stockholm, Sweden. Org.nr: 556302-9726 Vat nr: SE-556302972601 Company seat: Stockholm. Phone +46 8 470 49 00 Addtech AB - Org.nummer: 5563029726. Vid senaste bokslut 2020 hade företaget en omsättningsförändring på 14,5%. Fördelningen i styrelsen är 71,4 % män (5), 28,6 % kvinnor (2) .

The business comprises about 140 independent companies that sell high-tech products and solutions to customers chiefly in the manufacturing and infrastructure sectors in around 20 countries. Addtech creates optimal conditions for the profitability and growth of subsidiaries. Addtech AB,556302-9726 - På allabolag.se hittar du , bokslut, nyckeltal, koncern, koncernträd, styrelse, Status, adress mm för Addtech AB Addtech härstammar från Bergman & Beving-koncernen som grundades år 1906 och börsnoterades 1976.

Addtech Birger Jarlsgatan 43, Box 5112 SE-102 43 Stockholm, Sweden. Org.nr: 556302-9726 Vat nr: SE-556302972601 Company seat: Stockholm. Phone +46 8 470 49 00

| Addtech is a technology trading group that provides technological and economic value added in the link between manufacturers and customers. Finansinspektionen: Flaggningsmeddelande i Addtech AB: 12-03: Addtech acquires IETV Elektroteknik AB: 12-03: Addtech förvärvar IETV Elektroteknik AB: 09-03: The Nomination Committee's proposal for new Chairman of the Board of Addtech AB: 09-03: Valberedningens förslag till ny ordförande i Addtech AB: 04-02: Addtech: Delårsrapport Q3 1 Find the latest Addtech AB ser.

Av anskaffningsutgiften för aktier av både serie A och B i Addtech AB bör 84 procent hänföras till dessa aktier och 16 procent till erhållna aktier i AddLife AB. 2001.

Addtech ab

Sesam Partners advised the seller and organized a structured  5 days ago Addtech AB · ESG Risk Rating · Ranking · Industry Comparison · Our Approach to Calculating ESG Risk · Top Material ESG Issues for Addtech AB. Addtech has acquired 34 companies and its latest acquisition was Hydro- Material Oy Ab in Mar 2021. Addtech Funding History.

ADDTECH AB (PUBL.)  Köp aktien Addtech AB ser. B (ADDT B). Hos Nordnet kan du handla från 0 kr i courtage. Klicka här för att följa aktiekursen i realtid.
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2020-09-30 09:00:00  Addtech garanterar inte korrekthet, exakthet, tillförlitlighet eller annat beträffande Webbplatsens innehåll. Addtech AB strävar efter att hålla denna Webbplats fri  Addtech Energy, a business area in the Addtech Group, has signed an agreement to acquire all shares outstanding in Skyltar & Märken Gruppen AB. Addtech är en svensk börsnoterad teknikhandelskoncern. Addtech består av drygt 130 rörelsedrivande bolag med omkring 2 900 anställda. Koncernen verkar  Addtech AB återköp av egna aktier. 2017-09-29.

Call options equivalent to 25,500 shares. Holdings per 2020-05-31.
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Addtech’s overall goal is to operate a sustainable business. Addtech aims to meet the sustainability requirements and expectations set by customers, shareholders and employees. The Group’s sustainability work involves Addtech taking long-term responsibility for the sustainable development of employees, the environment and profitability.

Addtech AB. 5563029726. Beställ rapport med detaljerad information om ägarandelar och rösträtter i aktiebolaget (se exempelrapport).

Addtech AB is a group of businesses offering high-tech products and solutions to customers in the manufacturing and infrastructure sectors. Addtech's business 

Addtech Components area works with technical components and subsystems used in mechanics, electromechanics, electronics and hydraulics. Addtech is a technology trading group that provides technological and economic value added in the link between manufacturers and customers. Addtech operates in selected niches in the market for Addtech is a technology trading group that provides technological and economic value added in the link between manufacturers and customers. Addtech operates in selected niches in markets for advanced technology products and solutions. Its customers primarily operate in manufacturing industry and infrastructure.

Klicka här för att se aktiekursen och köpa till marknadens lägsta courtage. Addtech Birger Jarlsgatan 43, Box 5112 SE-102 43 Stockholm, Sweden. Org.nr: 556302-9726 Vat nr: SE-556302972601 Company seat: Stockholm. Phone +46 8 470 49 00 Addtech AB - Org.nummer: 5563029726. Vid senaste bokslut 2020 hade företaget en omsättningsförändring på 14,5%. Fördelningen i styrelsen är 71,4 % män (5), 28,6 % kvinnor (2) .